01/2025 Appearance in German TV documentary on AI in medicine
SR presents our work on smart implants in a documentary on AI (starts minute 3):
11/2024 New research on instrumentes insoles, a newer type of wearable device
In my lab at Saarland University, we have recently conducted several studies on the use of instrumented insoles in healthy people and patients with injuries during recovery. These shoe insoles with sensors are a newer type of wearable device that allows to monitor movement in daily life, similar to smart watches, just measuring different parameters. Our newest research outputs are
- A study on how the walking surface affects the pressure/force data collected by smart insoles
- A clinical observational study on how the pressure distribution under the feet changes when standing during the rehabilitation process after a tibial or ankle fracture
- See links to more smart insole papers two posts below
08/2024 Podcast for medical students (in German)
Leo and Nils have interviewed me for their podcast “Glans and Gloria”. Topic: What does a space physician do?
05/2024 New papers published
These are our newest papers from Saarland University:
- A clinical observational study showing that long-term monitoring of gait with smart insoles is superior to lab-based measurements in patients with tibial fractures
- A cross-sectional study on characteristic changes of the gait force curve when walking uphill and downhill, which is important for long-term smart insole measurements
- A review paper on how bone fracture healing can be accelerated
04/2024 Appearance in TV show NANO
3Sat’s science show NANO has shown a documentary on how we use artificial intelligence for live monitoring of gait by smart implants (starts at minute 14):
02/2024 NASA HRP IWS in Galveston, TX, USA
11/2023 Talk at the 43rd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress in Cairo, Egypt
At the SICOT OWC in Cairo, I gave a talk on our newest smart implant deveopments and a glimps into what is technically feasible. What a great conference and experience!
10/2023 The 38th Annual Orthopaedic Research Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association
What a great honour to be invited to give two talks at the 38th JOAKISO conference in Tsukuba, Japan. The hospitality of the Japanese colleagues was unprecedented. Thanks a lot, especially Professor Masashi YAMAZAKI, Doctor Yohei YANASIGAWA, and Doctor Tokio KAWAMURA.
09/2023 Parabolic flights
Together with PI Timox Ax of Saarland University and a great international team, I had the honour to participate in the 41st DLR Parabolic Flight campaign with Novespace in Bordeaux, France.
08/2023 Launch of ISS experiment ‘Muscle Stimulation’
We have enrolled the first astronaut. Find details on the NASA experiment website. ESA has published a video on it:
06/2023 Upcoming lectures and talks at conferences
- The German Society for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery (CURAC) conference, August 24th – 26th, Basel, Switzerland
- Surgical Research Days (Chirurgische Forschungstage), September 21st – 22nd, Mannheim, Germany
- The 38th Annual Research Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association, October 19th – 20th, Tsukuba, Japan
- The German Conference for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (DKOU), October 24th – 27th, Berlin, Germany
- The SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress, November 21th – 23th, Cairo, Egypt
06/2023 Podcast OTC Digital: Surgery to Spaceflight – planning an individual career
Podcast for orthopedic residents:
05/2023 Radio interview on astronauts
In German radio station ‘Deutschlandradio Nova’, I gave a radio interview to discuss astronaut selection issues. Find the show HERE (starts at 5:48 min)!
03/2023 Talk at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane
Thanks to Dr. Markus Laubach for inviting me to give a talk at QUT!
02/2023 Children’s university lecture
In the lecture series of Saarland University for children between 8 and 12 years I gave a lecture about how astronauts stay fit in space:
02/2023 Several new papers published
Among other, we’ve published a review paper on how to monitor fracture healing of the lower leg using gait analysis in the journal Bioengineering [IF 5.046], and an original article on gait analysis via pressure insoles in the journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology [IF 6.064].
01/2023 Two new research grants approved
The new year started with the successful acquisition of two new research grants. One is DLR (German Aerospace Center) funding for my part of the ISS research project Muscle Stimulation. The other is a DFG (German Research Foundation) Major Research Instrumentation grant for a new 6-degree test stand. Exciting times!
12/2022 OT Digital in Berlin
I gave an invited talk and chaired a session at the OT Digital Conference in Berlin on December 3rd, 2022. The conference was on the digital transformation in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology.
11/2022 Papers published on performance in figure skating in collaboration with Zürich University Hospital
Two papers have appeared in collabration with former World-class figure skater and consultant orthopaedic trauma surgeon Dr. Thomas Rauer:
- Performance Increases in Pair Skating and Ice Dance at International Championships and Olympic Games
Figure skating: Increasing numbers of revolutions in jumps at the European and World Championships
10/2022 SICOT Kuala Lumpur
The SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress in Kuala Lumpur was one of the best conferences I have ever been to. Met a lot of old and new colleagues and friends :).
09/2022 TV appearance in 3Sat
The German TV channel 3Sat showed an interview with me in a documentary on the Saarland (start at 16:58 min).
09/2022 Conference talks
Now that the Covid situation is better, on-site conferences are back. My recent talks are:
- SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: programme and abstract
- German Society for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery (CURAC) conference in Karlsruhe, Germany
- International Orthopedic Trauma Association (IOTA) 1st Triennial conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
07/2022: Press release and media attention for robotic implants
Saarland University has published a press release on our recent successes in developing a robotic implant to improve bone fracture healing. Articles appeared, among others, in BILD-Zeitung, Heise, Doccheck, IdW, EurekAlert and Medical Xpress
06/2022: Review paper published on joint cartilage in long-duration spaceflight
The first paper from our ESA project in Antarctica was published in the journal Biomedicines [IF 4.757]. Find details HERE.
04/2022: Review paper on active implants accepted in Acta Biomaterialia
We’ve had a review paper accepted in Acta Biomaterialia [IF 10.633] that deals with concepts and clinical aspects of active implants for bone fracture treatment.
04/2022: Saarland TV (SR) showed our work
Find the 5 min. TV portrait titled “Fit on the ISS” HERE. In addition, I gave THIS live interview on Matthias Maurer’s return from space in an evening TV show. There was also another radio interview on space medicine (starting at minute 25:15).
03/2022: Radio interview
German radio channel Deutschlandfunk Nova has aired THIS interview with me on what 340 days of weightlessness do to the human body.
02/2022: ZDF-Mittagsmagazin
A portrait on me was shown in the German ZDF lunch show ‘ZDF-Mittagsmagazin’ (starts at 42:12 min.).
01/2022: More TV appearances and talks
German TV show NANO showed our lab. (starts at 2:15 min.). I gave this talk at an ISS live event with German astronaut Matthias Maurer at Saarland University (starts at minute 43).
12/2021: Recent media attention
Because of the spaceflight of German astronaut Matthias Maurer, the German media has contacted me for several interviews: Süddeutsche Zeitung, ZDF Heute, GEO, Stern, Spiegel, die Zeit, Welt, BILD-Zeitung, N-TV, Forschung & Lehre. This is another radio interview in German: “Ab ins All: Weltraumflug als Lottogewinn”, Deutschlandfunk Nova on 25.11.2021 (starts at 25:45 min).
11/2021: New research project with ESA in Antarctica
The European Space Agency has informed us on our success in proposing a research project to study muscle and cartilage physiology in over-winterers at Concordia Station in Antarctica. I am the PI of an international and interdisciplinary team of scientsts from Italy (Triest University), the UK (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Germany (TU Darmstadt and Saarland University). We look forward to this exciting adventure!
10/2021: Launch party of astronaut Matthias Maurer
I was invited to present our research at the launch party of German astronaut Matthias Maurer in Oberthal. Details HERE and HERE.
10/2021: Radio interview
German radio station “Deutschlandfunk Nova” broadcasted a live interview with me on the spaceflight of 90-year old William Shatner, a.k.a. Captain James T Kirk of Star Trek (at 1:25 min. into the program).
09/2021: Physicsworld review on The Spacefarer’s Handbook
A review on our recent Spacefarer’s Handbook was published by physicsworld.
08/2021: Media articles on our latest paper
The website Market Research Telecast has published an article on our latest AI paper. There is also an article in German on the FOCUS website.
07/2021: Machine learning manuscript published by GeroScience
The journal GeroScience [IF 7.713] has published our newest paper that deals with the prediction of individual age-related performance decline trajectories by machine learning.
06/2021: Invited talk at the Finnish Satellite Workshop 2021
I feel honoured to be invited to give a talk at the Finnish Satellite Workshop 2021 in Helsinki, Finland. Title of the talk and link to the abstract: “Health issues in connection to spaceflight“.
05/2021: Book review and interview by ‘Popular Science’
Thanks a lot to the ‘Popular Science’-team for publishing this wonderful book review and an interview with my brother an me!
04/2021: Several interviews and news mentions
My start as a professor triggered several outreach items, including (all in German) a news article of the Saarland state chancellery
03/2021: Interview published on the first week as a professor
The German Society of Female Surgeons (Die Chirurginnen e.V.) has published an interview with me and asked me about my career, the first week as a professor, and career advice for young surgeons. Find the interview (in German) HERE.
03/2021: Professor at Saarland University
I have changed jobs and am now the full Professor (W3) for Innovative Implant Development at Saarland University in Germany. The Werner-Siemens-Foundation is funding this chair that was created to conduct interdisciplinary research on smart implants for the treatment of bone fractures. THIS is the new department website.
02/2021: New papers accepted
We just had papers accepted in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A [IF 5.236], the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease [IF 5.178], and Sensors [3.275], and we look forward to seeing them published soon!
02/2021: Lightning talk at the NASA Human Research Program IWS Conference
We presented our newest results from the AGBRESA bed rest study at an online NASA conference.
01/2021: Bed rest paper published in Experimental Cell Research
Our second paper from the AGBRESA bed rest study was published, titled “Sixty days of head-down tilt bed rest with or without artificial gravity do not affect the neuromuscular secretome“. Find it HERE.
12/2020: Introductory talk on Space Physiology
My amazing colleague Julia Attias and I gave talks on Space Physiology and Countermeasures in a Space Physiology mini symposium in the Virtual Environmental Ergonomics Series of Brock University, Canada, on December 17th. Thanks to Tadej Debevec (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Chris Tyler (University of Roehampton, UK) for having us!
11/2020: Several news mentions
I was recently interviewed for articles on laundy in spaceflight in the New Scientist and The Telegraph. The space magazine Tähdet ja avaruus from Finland published an interview with me on human centrifugation (in Finnish):
10/2020: Paper published in GeroScience
The official Journal of the American Aging Association, GeroScience [IF 6.444], has published our newest paper on physical performance declines throughout the aging process. Find it HERE.
10/2020: Talk at the World Space Week Space Health Symposium
On Monday, October 5th, I gave a talk at the World Space Week Space Health Symposium online with the title “Musculoskeletal research in bedrest studies”. I also chaired a session the same day. Many thanks to Dr Rowena Christiansen of University of Melbourne, Australia, for her great work in organizing the event! This is the event flyer:
09/2020: Session chair at CURAC 2020
I had the honour to chair a session at the 2020 German Society for Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery (CURAC) meeting. It was great to be back at the first real-life conference since March. CURAC is an amazing mix of computer scientists, engineers and surgeons.
08/2020: “The Spacefarer’s Handbook – Science and Life Beyond Earth” is here!
Our new book was published and is now available. We are ready to give book presentations and talks, and we hope everyone enjoys the read!
08/2020: No motor unit remodeling in bedrest with or without artificial gravity
Our first paper of the AGBRESA bedrest study was published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. It deals with the motor unit number and size, which were both not affected by bedrest or human centrifugation.
06/2020: New paper published on performance of the oldest-old athletes
We have published a new research paper on performance declines in track and field athletes 80 years and older in the journal ‘Rejuvenation Research‘.
05/2020: Our new book “The Spacefarer’s Handbook – Science and Life Beyond Earth” will soon be published
This is the link to the Springer book website.
03/2020: Results presented at the German National Space Research Symposium in Bonn
At the German National Space Research Symposium of the German Aerospace Center DLR’s “Research in the Space Environment” (Forschung unter Weltraumbedingungen) program helt in Bonn, we presented our latest bedrest research results.
01/2020: NASA HRP Investigators Workshop in Galveston near Houston
We have presented our first preliminary results from the AGBRESA bedrest study at a NASA conference.
11/2019: ISS proposal selected by ESA
ESA has given our proposal for an ISS experiment with the title “Neuromuscular electrical stimulation to enhance the exercise benefits for muscle functions during spaceflight” a favourable review. It is now in the definition phase for implementation. It includes pre-, in- and postflight experiments in astronauts flying to the ISS and is a collaboration with scientists from Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and the UK.
10/2019: Field study at UCI World Master Track Cycling Championships in Manchester, UK
We just completed a field study at the World Championships in indoor track cycling for master athletes in the Manchester velodrome. Team photo:
10/2019: Inaugural lecture at RWTH Aachen University
On October 18th, 2019, I gave my inaugural lecture as a formal step to celebrate the habilitation (postdoctoral thesis and license to teach at a university) in RWTH Aachen University Hospital. Topic: “Medical Challenges in Spaceflight”.
06/2019: Poster presented at the EFORT conference 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal
05/2019: Physics Department Colloquium in Helsinki
In the Physics Department Colloquium of the University of Helsinki, Finland, I gave an invited talk on Space Medicine. Details HERE.
05/2019: Interview in the PM Magazine and in “Der Stern”
An interview on Space Medicine was published in the German popular science magazine PM and in the journal “Der Stern”.
04/2019: Interview published in Austrian Medical Journal
Find an interview titled “Expert for extraterrestrail matters” in the Austrian Medical Journal.
02/2019: Orthopaedic Surgeon and Manchester
I passed the exam to be an Orthopaedic Surgeon and started a new position as a research fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University on a DFG (German Research Foundation) grant!
01/2019: Our bedrest-study team
The AGBRESA bedrest study is about to start, so we took a team-pic of our research-group including colleagues from Manchester Metropolitan University, Schulthess-Klinik Zürich and the University of Amsterdam. The photo was taken inside the Short Arm Human Centrifuge at DLR in Cologne.
11/2018: Our book as a cake
During a book presentation in Würzburg, Germany, Springer came up with a great surprise: the handbook for future astronauts as a chocolate cake:
10/2018: Artificial Gravity Bed Rest Study 2019
The NASA/ESA/DLR collaborative bed rest study got a “mission patch”! Find out more about the study HERE. I will be involved as a Co-I with experiments on neuromuscular interaction and wound healing.
10/2018: Space Medicine article published
The German journal for medical students published an article I wrote on Space Medicine and how to become a space physician.
9/2018: Field study at the World Master Athletics Championships in Malaga, Spain
More than 8100 athletes between 35 and 102 years of age participated in the World Master Athletics Championships in Malaga, Spain. I was there for experiments in biomechanics and thermoregulation, funded by the START program of the Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen University.
8/2018: Paper published showing differences in performance declines with age for athletics disciplines
Our new paper appeared in the journal Frontiers in Physiology. Rates of decline in sports-performance with age differ between disciplines and genders.
7/2018: German Research Foundation fellowship grant received
The German Research Foundation “DFG” granted me a 2-year research fellowship to perform musculoskeletal experiments in a 60-day bedrest study in cooperation with ESA and NASA. (Project description here)
6/2018: “Medical challenges on space missions”
Deutsches Ärzteblatt, the German journal for medical doctors, published my article on medical challenges on space missions. Read it HERE!
5/2018: HealthTV talkshow
German HealthTV invited me to discuss health topics in their new talkshow “Besprechstunde”. We filmed the first two episodes in “Unkelbach” pub in Cologne.
01/2018: Book tour
Urs and I are on tour with our new book. Find tour dates, photos and media reports on our book-website www.raumfahrerhandbuch.de/lesungen-termine/!
12/2017: DLR Human Physiology Workshop
I participated in the Human Physiology Workshop at German Aerospace Center (DLR) and presented a new study related to musculoskeletal ageing.
Find the abstracts HERE.
11/2017: Paper published in PLOS ONE
See our new paper on microcirculation in thoracolumbar fractures HERE!
11/2017: Interview in der Mainpost
11/2017: Book published
Our “Handbook for future Astronauts” is now officially published! Check for example the Springer website or Amazon. An interview of us was printed by the newspaper Mainpost on November 11, 2017.
The dates of our “tour” of book presentations can be found HERE.
10/2017: German Congress of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
Find the abstract of the talk I gave at DKOU 2017 in Berlin HERE.
08/2017: Research stay at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston
I just spent a week in Houston for research – impressive! Had the honour to give a WISE lecture with the title: “Space Medicine – What We Might Have to Deal with on the Way to Mars.” and met a ton of interesting people. Here are some photos: